funny compilation videos for cats Funpetvid

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Weird funny cats behaviors

Does your cat's conduct confuse you, making you think that you are the only one who have an insane cat? Dont worry, you are not the only one, and amazingly your cat might be considered completely normal.
Check out 10 weird cat behaviors:
  1. Bouncing Off the Walls. 
  2. Paw Treading. 
  3. Head Bumping. 
  4. Winking. Chewing Weird Things. 
  5. Napping in Tight Places. 
  6. Sneering. 
  7. Presenting Their Butt. 
  8. Ignoring You. 
  9. Covering Poop. 
  10. Covering Food. 
Check out our humorous collection that contains funniest cat videos compilation we've upload for you. From the weird cats habits, to the one which make you laugh loudly, they're all here for your viewing pleasure.
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